An Introduction to Night Life Crypto

Night Life Crypto
2 min readApr 8, 2021


Night Life Crypto is a self-sustaining, fully on-chain gaming platform with zero game transaction fees for users and the option to stake liquidity.

Staking Liquidity

For the first time in the history of gaming, there will be a platform that allows users to stake liquidity.

Every time a player sells NLIFE tokens, 1.5% of the sale will be shared between users providing NLIFE/BNB liquidity to the Pancakeswap pool.

On-Chain Games

All game transactions are conducted on-chain. The Night Life Crypto platform utilizes the advanced properties of a second layer solution that is perfect for instantaneous transactions with only negligible fees. On-chain games also enables audits to verify the veracity of each game.

No Fees

Previous on-chain gaming platforms have charged expensive transaction fees on every bet and every play. This made the game experience poor and expensive. But for the first time in blockchain gaming, all play and bet transactions are pre-paid, by Night Life Crypto, with zero cost to the end user. This feature enables seamless play with absolutely no extra charges!

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