NLIFE: Blockchain Bringing Accountability to Gaming

Night Life Crypto
6 min readMay 25, 2021


Blockchain is a technology that can help many industries that traditionally lacked accountability.

At the core of this technology is the ability to create a trustless environment, where a human is not needed to maintain records. It facilitates transactions that cannot be changed or deleted (immutable) between two strangers over the internet.

Blockchain provides a way for the gaming industry to prove fairness to users and also allow those users to prove that the results are not changed based on their input. So they stay impartial and unguided.

Users are able to see the scarcity of in-game items (such as NFTs) by revealing the actual amount available and the chances of receiving the item.


The current gaming sector outside of the blockchain space is currently riddled with historical issues. But what are the core problems and how can blockchain solve them?

Trust and Transparency

One of the developments in modern games is the use of in-game assets to complete stages/missions/tasks. A user will likely need guns, props, environments, cars, planes, characters, and art. Modern games are dependent on these assets that are scarce in supply. They can be purchased with real-world money as an in-game purchase or earned as the player progresses in the game.

Games are supposed to be neutral for a player to work towards completing them, or spend their money, acquiring various assets. However, currently, there is no accountability or transparency in this process.

Since these assets are virtual, game developers can simply produce an unlimited amount or rig the market by providing it to certain players only. To solve this problem, there needs to be transparency and verifiability in gaming.

Verifiable Scarcity

One of the properties of these assets that make them valuable is scarcity. However, with the current setup, a player can’t know how scarce a particular item is. If these assets are issued on a blockchain, players can easily verify the total quantity on the block ledger. This increases the trust and hence the value of the marketplace itself.


Gaming platforms are hosted on centralized servers and transactions are often made on mobile phones or desktops without adequate security measures. Also, assets held in gaming accounts are liable to be stolen. They are not as secure as our bank accounts, however valuable a gaming account may be. Blockchain is known for being the most secure way of storing value. Storing digital gaming assets on a blockchain would enhance the security for a player who has worked hard to collect them.

Collectable Items

Blockchains can also store value in form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These are tokens that represent a unique value. Games have assets that are unique and collectable. NFTs could be used to represent these items and make them easy to store on a wallet, less expensive to sell, and trade on an open market.

Global Transactions

Gaming is a global enterprise. Players from different countries routinely play games like Counter-Strike with each other. Blockchain enables the instant transfer of assets across the world. This means there are no restrictions on where it is sent to, how much is sent from one user to another, and no middleman.


Lack of Transparency and Trust

The current situation is best described by the study conducted by the British Gambling Commission in 2017. It found that most players think online gambling sites are unfair because they are rigged to an unfair advantage that favours the house.

The vast majority of games in crypto are not on-chain, with no way to prove that results are fair. The same happens when trying to attain a rare item. There’s no way to verify the actual rarity of it if it is not on-chain.


High Transaction Fees

Platforms that have on-chain games are riddled with expensive fees. The Ethereum network is by far the most costly, with users spending anywhere between $20-$200 per transaction. Others blockchains, like Tron, have $0.01 fees, but nonetheless, this still builds up the total cost of game transactions.

Slow Transaction Times

On-chain gaming platforms are rare, The few that exist, have a wide variety of transaction speeds. The slowest is the Ethereum blockchain, with transaction speeds connected to how much a user pays. The Tron network is one of the very few platforms that have acceptable transaction speeds for actual gaming.

No Rewards for Customers

To date, no platform properly rewards users for supporting the platform, in the form of providing liquidity or by simply playing the games.

The platforms that claim to have rewards, usually give users something that doesn’t have much actual value. So gimmick rewards are the standard.


Many platforms require a lot of personal information from the user. This means that data can be exposed to data breaches. As seen with the Ledger hack and many others, retaining user privacy should be the utmost concern with any platform. Privacy and security are paramount.


Transparency and Trust

Night Life Crypto provides users with a trustless platform. Everything is open-source and 100% verifiable. The results of any game can be verified since the Random Number Generator utilizes the Turtle Network blockchain.

User Privacy

Night Life Crypto is designed not to collect any user information. Users have the ability to create anonymous accounts, without an email address required for sign up. Users will have the option to create a platform account with an email address, which allows them to activate on-chain 2FA for additional security.

2 Layer Solution

Unlike most other gaming platforms, Night Life Crypto utilizes 2 blockchains for its platform. It uses the Binance Smart Chain for buying and selling the NLIFE token. It also uses the Turtle Network blockchain for the gaming platform itself. The Turtle Network was chosen for its speed and unique features.

Non-Custodial Wallets & Zero/Inconsequential Tx Fees

Wallets generated by users on the Night Life Crypto platform are owned and controlled by the user. The user owns the seed phrase to the wallet they generate, allowing them to have full control over their funds. The same stands for any of the achievements they win playing.

Zero In-Game Transaction Fees

One of the most innovative aspects of Night Life Crypto is the elimination of in-game transaction fees. The user no longer has to worry about paying fees when playing an arcade game on the platform. When sending the NLIFE token back to their Binance Smart Chain wallet, users do not have to have BNB in their wallet.

NLIFE allows users to spend NLIFE to send their funds back to the BSC chain.


Blockchain enables the tokenization of assets and the creation of decentralized gaming asset markets. Night Life Crypto was built on this concept. Since the ledger is public and open for everyone to check and verify, this increases the trust factor exponentially.

Gamers can visit the decentralized markets to buy virtual assets at a fair price which is based on an open order book.

With full transparency, security and verifiability the future of gaming has never looked brighter.


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