Prop Pirates by Night Life Crypto

Night Life Crypto
4 min readSep 8, 2021


Prop Pirates by Night Life Crypto

What is Prop Pirates?

Prop Hunting is one of the most popular game genres at the moment. Night Life Crypto’s Prop Pirate is a fantastic and fun crypto game in the prop hunting genre.

It can be downloaded here:

How to play?

On Start-up

Once you download the game and load up the lobby, you will be prompted to enter a name for your player.

Then, navigate your way to the ‘Login’ button which will take you to the online menu. You can jump into a ‘Quick Play’ server that is already running instantly or select ‘Browse’ for more options.

Under ‘Browse’ you can join a pre-made server or click ‘Create Room’ to generate your own server. If you create a new room, this new room will appear in the ‘Browse’ section and your friends can join you. A room can hold a total of 12 players.

Gameplay Rules

Prop Pirates is a terrific addition to the hide and seek genre of online games. In this game, players are split into 2 teams: Pirates and Props.

Pre-round prep

At the start of every round, a selected team of Pirates will see a black screen for 20 seconds while the Props frantically run around looking for hiding spots. Props can take the shape of another playable object on the game map by selecting with their cursor and clicking. The amount of health a Prop has relates directly to the form they take … the larger the item the more health the Prop will have.

In gameplay

Props: Once the 20 seconds are done, Props will be armed with select abilities to aid in their hiding. They can place a decoy Prop in the spot they are standing by hitting the ‘Q’ key and move location should they get anxious the Pirates are closing in. Props can also grab other objects and throw them by using the ‘E’ key. And, if you like living on the edge, Props can taunt Pirates by hitting the ‘F’ key, but it will give the Pirates an idea of how close they are to Props.

Pirates: Once the 20 seconds are done, Pirates will have 4 minutes to find and eradicate each Prop by throwing coins at them using the left mouse button. Pirates have an area of effect attack, via the ‘F’ key, that rains down coins from the sky and can flush out Props by stunning them and notifying the Pirates. This ability is on a timer and must be used carefully. They also have an execution move that takes out a Prop instantly. This is not on a timer but has only so many charges, it can be used by hitting the ‘Q’ key. Pirates can also pick up and throw objects using the ‘E’ Key. And with so many props flying around, whilst others hide and run, it can get hilariously hectic.

How to win

If the Props survive the 4 minutes, they are victorious but if the Pirates coin every hidden Prop, to them go to the spoils of victory.

A final score is attributed to the player. For a Pirate, points are awarded for each Prop they destroy. For Props, points are awarded for surviving, finding coins throughout the map, using decoys successfully and taunting your enemies.

Prop Pirates is just the beginning of Night Life Crypto’s foray into gaming with drifting-based crypto game also in the works. Prop Pirates is the tip of the spear for Night Life and is a whole lot of fun and hijinks … take to the seas with the most enjoyable hide and seek game you’ll ever play.

Free Download:

What is NightLife Crypto?

NLIFE is a self-sustaining, all-on-chain gaming platform with ZERO fees for each game transaction. On NLIFE users are able to stake liquidity.

NLIFE is supported by Turtle Network in combination with the liquidity options on Pancakeswap.

Turtle Network, allows us to provide users with instant confirmation times for bets and results, as well as allow ZERO fees for each game transaction. This stellar feature emulates a real-life gaming experience.

Tokens can be purchased on Pancakeswap and sent to your digital wallet.

BSC NLIFE tokens will be converted to tokens on Turtle Network, ready for users to play with. When withdrawing tokens to your BSC wallet, gas fees are paid in NLIFE instead of BNB. This feature simplifies transactions so that the user does not have to hold BNB for withdrawals.

Lastly, the user’s gaming wallet is non-custodial, meaning the user owns the seed phrase to their wallet, allowing the user to have full control, as well as being the only one who can access the wallet.

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